【joy report】Warmly congratulate the chairman of Wolun Electric on winning the honorary title of "Excellent Communist Party Member in the field of Science a

On the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to further establish a model, praise advanced, and encourage two new party organizations in the field of science and technology innovation in the province to forge ahead and strive for excellence, the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Innovation Comprehensive Committee of the Communist Party of China recently issued the "Circular on Praising the Outstanding Communist Party members, excellent Party workers and Advanced grass-roots Party organizations in the field of science and Technology Innovation in 2023".Luo Quan, chairman of Sichuan Wolun Electric Manufacturing Co., LTD., won the honorary title of "Excellent Communist Party Member in the field of Science and Technology Innovation in Sichuan Province in 2023".

【joy report】Warmly congratulate the chairman of Wolun Electric on winning the honorary title of "Excellent Communist Party Member in the field of Science and Technology Innovation in Sichuan Province in

The document points out that in recent years, the majority of party members, party workers and grassroots party organizations in the two new organizations in the province's scientific and technological innovation field have adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New EraWe will firmly implement the major decisions and arrangements of the central and provincial party committees, focus on the center and serve the overall situation, and strive to take the lead and overcome difficulties in implementing major tasks such as epidemic prevention and control, rural revitalization, and development.

【joy report】Warmly congratulate the chairman of Wolun Electric on winning the honorary title of "Excellent Communist Party Member in the field of Science and Technology Innovation in Sichuan Province in

Under the care and leadership of the superior Party committee, Chairman Luo Quan, as the secretary of the Party branch of Wolun Electric, has always firmly guided the banner, responded to the "double carbon" strategy, actively led the exploration of the party building leading the development path of the enterprise, achieved the same frequency resonance and two-way integration of the party building and the enterprise, and gave full play to the fighting fortress of the grassroots party organization and the vanguard role of party members.At a new starting point, we will continue to strive for the development of science and technology innovation in the province, and make greater contributions to serving the national high-level science and technology self-reliance and serving Sichuan's innovation-driven high-quality development.