【Leadership Care】Chen Huabin, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Zigong City, led a team to visit Wolun Electric and express condolences to Dr. Luo

On January 24, 2024, as the Lunar New Year approached, Chen Huabin, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Zigong City, led a delegation to visit Wolun Electric and extend their regards to Dr. Luo Quan, Chairman of Wolun Electric and a leading entrepreneur in Sichuan Province. The delegation included Zhou Boyi, Deputy Director of the Zigong Economic and Information Technology Bureau, Tang Xiaohua, Deputy Secretary of the Da'an District Committee and District Mayor, Liu Mingdong, Deputy District Mayor of Da'an District, Zhang Chun, Director of the Science, Technology, and Information Bureau of Da'an District, Xiong Wenjian, Secretary of Xinmin Town Party Committee, and Yang Qi, Mayor of Xinmin Town, accompanied the visit.

【Leadership Care】Chen Huabin, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Zigong City, led a team to visit Wolun Electric and express condolences to Dr. Luo Quan, the leading entrepreneur in Sichuan Province.

Chairman Luo Quan, along with his team, extended a warm welcome to Deputy Mayor Chen Huabin and his delegation. He expressed heartfelt gratitude for the long-standing attention, care, and support from leaders at all levels of the city and district for Wolun Electric. Subsequently, a brief report was given on the company's operational performance in 2023.

【Leadership Care】Chen Huabin, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Zigong City, led a team to visit Wolun Electric and express condolences to Dr. Luo Quan, the leading entrepreneur in Sichuan Province.

Deputy Mayor Chen Huabin commended Wolun Electric for its solid achievements and practical actions in 2023. He extended warm regards and heartfelt greetings to Chairman Luo Quan. Deputy Mayor Chen mentioned that in 2023, Zigong City thoroughly implemented the talent work deployment of the central government, provincial party committee, and municipal party committee. Under the leadership of Dr. Luo Quan, Wolun Electric, as a key investment attraction enterprise in Zigong City, has strategically planned for the future, focused on innovative business development, and achieved rapid and remarkable growth. It has been a pioneer in promoting the high-quality development of Zigong's economy. For 2024, Deputy Mayor Chen expressed hope that Dr. Luo Quan and his team would continue to maintain their entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, elevate their technical expertise, and take Wolun Electric's development to new heights. He encouraged them to make greater contributions to Zigong's implementation of the "Four Strategies" and the goal of building "Two Cities and Two Districts" through practical actions and better results.

【Leadership Care】Chen Huabin, Deputy Mayor of the People's Government of Zigong City, led a team to visit Wolun Electric and express condolences to Dr. Luo Quan, the leading entrepreneur in Sichuan Province.

In the new year, under the correct leadership of various levels of party committees and governments, Wolun Electric will adhere to the strategy of innovation-driven development. We will continuously increase our efforts in technological research and development, further enhance our core competitiveness, and create greater value in the future market landscape. We are committed to demonstrating corporate responsibility and contributing to the promotion of Zigong City's economic and social green, high-quality development