【Leadership Care】Chen Peng, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to visit and console

On January 30th, as the Lunar New Year of the Dragon approached, Chen Peng, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to visit and console Wolun Electric. Accompanying the visit were Gou Fang, Principal of the Zigong Trade Union Cadre School and Director of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions Office, Chen Jian, Director of the Guarantee Department of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions, Chen Shuai, Standing Committee Member of the Da'an District Committee, Director of the Office, Minister of the Organization Department, and Chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, as well as Huang Yi, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Da'an District Federation of Trade Unions.

【Leadership Care】Chen Peng, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to visit and console Wolun Electric.

Chairman Luo Quan of Wolun Electric, accompanied by the Chairman of the company's labor union and the Executive Director, Zhong Jin, warmly welcomed Vice Chairman Chen Peng and his delegation. Chairman Luo Quan expressed gratitude to the trade union organizations at the city and district levels for their long-term care and support to Wolun Electric. Vice Chairman Chen Peng extended sincere condolences and Lunar New Year wishes to Chairman Luo Quan and the company's employees. At the same time, he conveyed warm regards from the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, and the trade union organizations to the model workers, technical backbone, and frontline workers of the company.

【Leadership Care】Chen Peng, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to visit and console Wolun Electric.

During the consolation process, Vice Chairman Chen Peng inquired in detail about Wolun Electric's production and operation, technological research and development, and project progress in 2023. Chairman Zhong Jin provided a brief report on the construction of the company's union home. Vice Chairman Chen Peng fully affirmed the company's development status, expressing that Wolun Electric, as a key enterprise for investment attraction in Zigong City and a major project in the 14th Five-Year Plan, has flourished and its strength has grown significantly. He expressed gratitude for the outstanding contributions made to the economic and social development of Zigong City in the past year. He hoped that in the new year, Wolun Electric would continue to anchor the primary task of high-quality development and achieve further success. At the same time, he pointed out that trade unions at all levels should take the initiative to step forward, increase their service to enterprises, fully play the role of a bridge and link between the Party and the masses of workers, adhere to political leadership, center around the overall situation, serve the overall interests, earnestly fulfill their duties, take the initiative to act, and help promote the high-quality development of enterprises.

【Leadership Care】Chen Peng, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Zongguan Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to visit and console Wolun Electric.

During the consolation visit, Vice Chairman Chen Peng highly praised the spirit of the workers who diligently fulfill their duties and strive for progress in their positions. He emphasized that economic and social development relies on the diligent work and dedication of industrial workers. Vice Chairman Chen Peng encouraged industrial workers to fully exert their role as the main force in economic construction, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, labor, and craftsmanship, uphold the tradition of the strength of the working class, bravely shoulder responsibilities, diligently contribute, and lead the way in the tide of economic construction. He urged them to immerse themselves in the heat of economic development with greater enthusiasm and a pragmatic work style, to achieve even greater success in the company's development.