【Our Identity in 2024】Brave Souls, Go to Battle!

【Our Identity in 2024】Brave Souls, Go to Battle!With diligence, spring arrives early, and hard work never disappoints. On February 19, 2024, all employees of Wolun Electric sounded the charge of battle. With full enthusiasm and a determined posture, they rushed to their respective positions, fully equipped, and fired up, embarking on a new journey in the Year of the Dragon!

【Our Identity in 2024】Brave Souls, Go to Battle!

Bravery is the medal of the courageous. Beating the drums of hard work, we strive to achieve a successful start in the first quarter. On the first day of work, Chairman Luo Quan of Wolun Electric organized a company-wide meeting at the product manufacturing center, where all employees rallied together to kick off the new year with determination and a strong focus on production and economic growth!

【Our Identity in 2024】Brave Souls, Go to Battle!

At the meeting, Chairman Luo Quan closely focused on the construction and development of the six major management centers—marketing, production, operations, research and development, engineering, and administration—for the year 2024. He emphasized the importance of "creating cost advantages" and stated that it is the duty of those sharpening the knife to remain silent. He set forth the work requirements and attitude of being a silent sharpener, empowering frontline sales personnel and injecting strong momentum into sales for the new year.

【Our Identity in 2024】Brave Souls, Go to Battle!

To engage in battle is to engage in decisive combat," Chairman Luo Quan emphasized. He pointed out that the new year will bring new opportunities and challenges. Understanding the market, finding the right strategies, and winning in marketing—everything revolves around sales. Sales must be the guiding principle, and everything should be done to support sales. Every customer is the frontline for sales personnel, and every successful transaction is a medal of honor for them. Winning the market requires strengthening sales efforts, and it also requires the silent sharpening behind the scenes by the various functional departments of the major management centers, ensuring all necessary support services for marketing.

【Our Identity in 2024】Brave Souls, Go to Battle!

Chairman Luo Quan called on all employees: "In 2024, let's return to ourselves—open, loyal, courageous, resilient, growing, and excellent. Let's proactively embrace market challenges, sprint from the start, strive to achieve a successful start in the first quarter, and aim for a colorful year ahead. Let's strive to achieve new accomplishments, reach new heights, and embark on a new chapter of high-quality development for Wolun Electric!